Casino Glossary
Whether you’re a beginner or experienced with casino, we’re here to help you learn about the different casino terms.
Blackjack Glossary
Full coverage of all the necessary terms for blackjack fans and players
1. Anchor Explained
In a card game like blackjack, players keep tabs, either mentally or illegally, with another player at the table game to track which high-value cards, like aces and tens, have already been dealt and to whom. Even though you might be incredibly skilled, most casinos will throw out players that they suspect of card counting because it works against the house edge and dampens the payout percentage.
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2. Card Counting Explained
In a card game like blackjack, players keep tabs, either mentally or illegally, with another player at the table game to track which high-value cards, like aces and tens, have already been dealt and to whom. Even though you might be incredibly skilled, most casinos will throw out players that they suspect of card counting because it works against the house edge and dampens the payout percentage.
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3. Super Yankee Bet Explained
Also known as a Canadian bet, a Super Yankee consists of 26 bets across five different selections. Provided is a breakdown of the 26 bets. An example shows how many winning selections might be needed for a Super Yankee to be profitable.
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4. Heinz Bet Explained
A Heinz bet consists of 57 bets across six separate selections. The 57 bets are broken down and explained in this article. An example reveals how many selections may need to win for a profit to be achieved.
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5. Super Heinz Bet Explained
A Super Heinz bet consists of 120 bets across seven different selections. Discover the advantages of a Super Heinz, and what the 120 bets consist of. An example attempts to illustrate how many selections must come in for a profit to be achieved.
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6. Goliath Bet Explained
This is one of the largest bets you can place. A Goliath bet consists of an incredible 247 bets across eight selections. Find out what makes a Goliath bet so appealing, but also why it may be better reserved for more experienced punters.
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7. Canadian Bet Explained
The Canadian Bet is one of the more complex bet types and consists of 26 bets spread out across five selections. These include ten doubles, ten trebles, five four-fold accumulators and one five-fold accumulator.
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